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Susan Ernst-Peters
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GIARDINA 2004Giardina 2004 Silver Award for City Gardens® showgarden

'Stadtgärtenparadies' City Gardens ® Landscaping and Garden Design made its debut at Giardina 2004, the Swiss Lifestyle and Garden Show, Zürich, with its show garden 'Stadtgärten-Paradies', small town garden paradise. The show garden presented a design solution to problems posed by an urban garden on a typical Zurich roof terrace, inspired by the classic beauty of the British garden and the southern ambience of the Mediterranean. Garden designer: Susan F. Ernst-Peters.


Nothing works without the sponsors! The City Gardens®’ show garden, Giardina 2004 Zürich was made possible by its main sponsor Visit Britain, John Cardie, Marketing Manager (left). Many others, including Paul Clifford, Managing Director, Westminster Stone Company (right), generously supplied materials and expertise.

The creation of Swiss/British garden designer Susan F. Ernst-Peters, the City Gardens® show garden was sponsored by Visit Britain who, in Britain’s “Year of Gardening 2004” and the bicentenary year of the Royal Horticultural Society, is promoting British gardens in Switzerland.
City Gardens ® leads the way in addressing the theme of the small town garden, an important trend and an area of growing importance. The showgarden attracted the attention of the media, trade and public alike and proved to be of particular interest to garden-lovers seeking inspiration for their own gardens, as well as those with a fascination and passion for the tradition and art of British gardens.
The City Gardens ® showgarden, “Stadtgärten-Paradies, was awarded a SILVER AWARD in the GIARDINA 2004 Showgarden Category.
More information can be found at and in the article 'Privatpiazza im Hinterhof', an interview with City Gardens® garden designer Susan F. Ernst-Peters by Barbara Siegrist., Tages Anzeiger, Samstag 13. März 2004, Tages Anzeiger Website Archive.


Garden-building is teamwork. The team that helped build the City Gardens® show garden at Giardina 2004 (left to right): John, Bruno, Susan, Monika and Tobias Stämpfli and Michael. Absent, but equally valued were Tobias, Michael and Maria.

Landscaping & gardren design