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Susan Ernst-Peters
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Garden 1: The Garden of Satisfaction (Mediteranean)
Garden 2: The Garden of Hope (Shady/Water/Light)
Garden 3: The Garden of Interaction (City Terrasse)
Garden 4: The Garden of Love (Romantik /English)
Garden 5: The Garden of Contemplation (Oriental)


Title: <<City Stories – Garden Tales in Small Spaces>> by City Gardens® Hall 3, Stand D16, 16.-20. March, GiardinaZÜRICH 2005

The City Gardens® showgarden „Stadtgeschichten“ (City Stories) for GiardinaZÜRICH 2005 took the form of a collection of garden essays: a series of interconnected and interconnecting small garden “short stories”, designed for modern living, entertaining and a busy city lifestyle. Each garden told a different story about city life from a different perspective. Each garden told about the lifestyle, taste and requirements of the garden’s user. Each garden was a response to the emotions that stem from living in an urban world. All of the gardens were connected by context, size, speed and time.

The designer’s aim was to provide an insight into what could be created affordably and simply maintained in the smallest space in the middle of a city or on the outskirts of town with imaginative use of materials, skillful choice of plants – and design.

The gardens were characterised by features typical of a contemporary urban setting: a urban plot that measures no larger than 20m2; planting chosen according to time and effort required to maintain it (low maintenance); designs that mirror the trends, style and tastes of the times and those of the discerning, style-conscious urban dweller and materials and elements that are readily available and affordable.

The City Gardens® showgarden GiardinaZURICH 2005, creation of the Swiss/British garden designer Susan F. Ernst-Peters, was sponsored by COOP Bau + Hobby Switzerland.

After the Show, the Showgarden was partially Opens internal link in current windowrebuilt and displayed at COOP Bau + Hobby Affoltern am Albis, Zürich, for a special exibition lasting until the end of July 2005.

© 2005 All Rights. City Gardens® / Susan F. Ernst-Peters.

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Landscaping & gardren design